Center for Exploratory Students
The Advising First Center for Exploratory Students at Florida State University encourages students who are undecided in their major to place passion and purpose at the center of their educational decision making.

The Exploratory program offers our multi-talented Seminoles the opportunity to develop greater self-awareness, discover the many options offered at the university, and declare departmental majors with confidence. With guidance from professional academic advisors, students complete the STEPS program, during which they are led through the three phases of exploration: self, major, and career.
The year at a glance details the type of programming and support an exploratory student receives during their major exploration process.
It is our goal that each Seminole’s strengths, interests, values, and vision for the future merge together for the ultimate educational experience!
Should an incoming transfer student need assistance in selecting a major or a current high hour student is seeking support with a major-reselection process, they would visit our Center for Academic Planning (CAP) in UCA 3200. The CAP office can be reached at 850-644-3430.
Directions to the Advising First Center for Exploratory Students.
If you would like additional information on the Advising First Center for Exploratory Students, please contact:
Advising First Center for Exploratory Students
See how Advising First can impact your college career.