Our team of academic advisors will help you make important decisions about selecting courses, picking a major and staying on track for graduation and beyond. We are committed to your success and offer an array of programs, resources, and services designed to support your holistic journey as a student.
You should meet with your academic advisor each semester to review your academic progress, plans for future terms, and discuss engagement opportunities and post-graduation goals.
Here are some things you can discuss with your advisor:
- General education requirements
- Major and graduation requirements
- Course planning and selection
- Academic support if you’re experiencing academic challenges
- Educational opportunities (education abroad, research, internships, etc.)
- Career and graduate school plans
- Non-academic challenges
- Connection to campus resources
Please use the FSU Advisor Search to locate an advisor in your program of interest at http://advisor.undergrad.fsu.edu/advisors/advisor-display.php
Academic Advising is an essential part of the University’s educational mission. A successful advising relationship involves the collaboration of advisor and student. Students get the most out of their advising sessions when they:
- Familiarize themselves with University/College/Department requirements, and major requirements.
- Learn about the curricular, co-curricular, and other resources that the University offers that support their success.
- Review academic record regularly, especially the Stellic Audit, which provides details on requirements met and not yet met.
- Meet with their advisor regularly and go to advising appointment prepared.
Please visit the University Advising site for more information about advising at Florida State University.