Anthony Garrett – College Life Coach
(850) 645-2847
Education: Bachelor of Science in Psychology (Florida State University, 2011)
Professional Achievements: Competed Advising First Center for College Life Coach Training, Completed FSU Academic Advising Training and served as a CARE Academic Advisor, Test Administrator with Tallahassee Community College’s Adult Education Program, Facilitated Thinking for a Change (T4C – A Cognitive Based Therapy based program), Served as a Counselor in a Modified Therapeutic Community
Favorite quote: “It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” ― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
Favorite place in Tallahassee: The lovely parks – Lake Ella, Cascades, and Lafayette Heritage Trail!
Favorite aspect of coaching: Connecting students to meaningful campus resources and staff!
Advice to Students: Take care of yourself! You are your greatest resource! Ask for help when you need it! Give gratitude for life!