Brandy Colson – College Life Coach
Education: Earned a Bachelor of Science in Family and Child Sciences and Sociology (Florida State University, 2011) and a Master of Clinical Social Work (Florida State University, 2013)
Professional Achievements: I am a Care Transition Intervention® Coach, and a Florida licensed clinical social worker. (LCSW)
Favorite Quote: “Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.” – Maya Angelou
Favorite Place in Tallahassee: Anywhere peaceful and serene.
Favorite Aspect of Coaching: I was coached as a First-Year student and find it a privilege to serve as a sounding board and support system for FSU students as they navigate through higher education, explore life and discover their interests and passions. Honoring their journey and watching them ACT on their goals to make them become a reality is mutually rewarding.
Advice to Students: It is so important to show yourself mercy & kindness as you explore new ways to navigate life. You do not have to be perfect in order to be successful. Be intentional with your time and energy. Prioritize getting help/assistance to spend less time stressing and more time creating helpful solutions to improve your overall quality of life. You are meant to be here!