New Nole Advising (First Semester)

New Nole Advising is an Advising First initiative to support students as they adjust to Florida State University and college life. During your first semester at FSU you will be invited to attend your New Nole Advising session and begin building a relationship with your advisor, and understand the expectations for your major and future advising sessions. Although New 'Nole Advising will look slightly different at each Advising First academic site, the goal is the same.

These meetings will allow the academic advisor and you to address any concerns or issues that may occur as a “New 'Nole” on campus. We know that the sooner you make a connection with your advisor the more successful you will be.

You will receive a registration hold on your record early in the semester that will block your registration for the subsequent term until you have met with an academic advisor in your major.

Questions about New Nole Advising? Contact the advisor in your major or email Advising First at

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