In 1998, the Florida State University Provost, Lawrence Abele, launched a strategic initiative to address the fall-to-fall retention of first time in college students. At that time, the fall-to-fall retention rate was approximately 85%. Convening a committee of campus leaders and activating an ambitious agenda, a goal was established to increase that number to 90%. Through collective efforts, this group identified several student-centered initiatives that have become the hallmark of the Florida State University campus experience. Among those initiatives was Advising First.
Advising First started as a network of academic advisors within the Division of Undergraduate Studies that launched in 2001. The goal was to provide consistent and quality academic advising services to undergraduate students. What started as a department of 6, has expanded to over 80 professional advisors in almost all academic units across campus. In addition to advisors in various units, Advising First has expanded to include the Center for Exploratory Students, the Center for Academic Planning, the Center for College Life Coaching, and the Center for Academic Guidance.
In 2005, the Advising First Center for Exploratory Students was launched to provide specialized advising to undecided students in their first year. Recognizing exploring students needed support beyond the first year, the Center for Academic Planning (CAP) was established in 2012. CAP provides advising to second year and above, transfer, and re-deciding undergraduate students.
Advising First offers other specialized services to students independent of advising. The Center for Success Coaching was established in 2009 to deliver academic and personal coaching to student populations that could benefit from transition guidance to the FSU community. Coaching went through a full program revision in 2013 and was rebranded as the Center for College Life Coaching. And finally, in 2023, the Center for Academic Guidance launched. Academic Guidance works with students experiencing barriers to their retention, persistence, and graduation.
Advising First has received accolades for innovative work and its positive impact on retention. In 2013, Advising First was recognized by the APLU with the MVP (Most Visible Progress) Trailblazer Exemplary Program Award. In 2011 and 2017, NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising recognized the Advising First department and Center for College Life Coaching, respectively, as an Outstanding Advising Program, the association’s highest program recognition. Team members are actively involved in the association and are regular presenters at state, regional and national conferences.